About Yaku#

What do we deliver?#

With Yaku, you will be able to:

  • Run your software release process fully automated on our service. No need to install anything locally.

  • Collect data from cloud or on-premise services and evaluate that data for answering your software release preparation questions.

  • Present and visualize your quality assessment preparation status to your team or stakeholders – at any time!

  • Relieve your developers from manually browsing through Office documents and gathering status information about your quality requirements.

  • Integrate the quality assessment into your CI/CD pipelines to get immediate feedback about the state of your product.

  • Perform your quality assurance in a fast and highly automated way.

  • Release your products more quickly and more reliably.

  • Integrate your own services and quality control data sources into our modular software release execution platform.

An abstract flowchart of the service's workflow.

Target groups#

Which user groups benefit from an automation of the software release process?

Alex – Quality Manager at a business unit level#

A smiling woman wearing glasses and a blue blazer, sitting in front of a laptop.

  • Expectations: Alex aims to ensure outstanding quality of SW in her BU. She wants to deal with process localization and tailoring, and wants to assure that the teams follow a pre-defined process.

  • Benefits of Yaku: By using the service, Alex can release product changes in a quick and reliable manner and tailor the service on demand. She is also saving time and resources by using our premium technical support.

Victor – SW Project Manager#

A sporty, young, male person wearing glasses and a white t-shirt.

  • Expectations: Victor wants to release SW quickly, without wasting resources and capacity of the team. He needs the software release processes to be transparent and wants to automate evidence collection and manual answers.

  • Benefits of Yaku: It enables him to streamline the CI/CD integration experience. The service additionally supports multiple tools from which data can be fetched and evaluated. He also gains the ability to roll out department-wide SW quality standards.

Drake – SW Engineer#

A smiling, young, male person with a beard and glasses. He's sitting in an office space in front of a laptop.

  • Expectations: Drake wants to concentrate on writing great quality code instead of doing tedious, repetitive tasks to be process compliant.

  • Benefits of Yaku: Using our service, Drake can ensure frequent releases and quality checks due to the CI/CD integration. He can be relieved from manually browsing through documents and gathering status information about quality requirements.

Alberto – Key Account Manager#

A mid aged, cross-armed, smiling, male person with a blue shirt.

  • Expectations: Alberto constantly receives requests from the OEM, he is responsible for, to deliver SW faster. He also wants to meet customer expectations and deliver SW of highest quality standards.

  • Benefits of Yaku: With fast quality-issue-identification and resolution, Alberto can deliver best quality SW to customers in minimal time. With continuous quality checks, Yaku frees up additional team capacity to work on customer value.