Evaluator Background Information#

An evaluator to check the response returned by the “ado-work-items-fetcher”, according to the rules defined in a custom .yaml file.

Environment variables#

The Ado evaluator uses the same environment variables as the Ado fetcher:

The evaluator’s config file#

A yaml file with the following structure should be created in the location referenced by the ADO_CONFIG_FILE_PATH environment variable. Here, you can define the rules that are being considered for the evaluation of the fetched files. If all files pass all checks, a GREEN status will be returned. Otherwise, the status will be RED and you can find information on which file didn’t match which condition in the report.


This config files is used to configure the Azure work items fetcher and evaluator. For having a better understanding of the first part of the config, also check out: Fetcher Background information.

The file has the following structure:

  query: "<wiql-query>" # used by the fetcher
    - field1
    - field2
    settings: # elements that can be used inside any check
      dueDateFieldName: "<date-field-to-be-checked>"
        - 'Closed'
        - 'Done'
    checks: # contains generic and field checks
      dataExists: true # example of generic check
      cycleInDays: 30 # example of generic check
          fieldName: "<field-from-neededFields-or-default-fields-list>"
            conditionType: # expected, illegal, resolved
              - "list-of"
              - "possible"
              - "values"
          fieldName: "<field-from-neededFields-or-default-fields-list>"
            conditionType: # expected, illegal, resolved
              - "list-of"
              - "possible"
              - "values"
        # ...

  children: # list of workitems to check for children
    get: true # if false this is not applied
            fieldName: "<field-from-neededFields-or-default-fields-list>"
              conditionType: # expected, illegal, resolved
                - "list-of"
                - "possible"
                - "values"
          # ...

Condition types#

There are three different validators (condition types) that you can use for your rules: expected, illegal and resolved. Learn more on how they work:


  • throw an error if any of the issues DOES NOT have one of the enumerated values

  • Report:

    • OK: All work items have one of the expected values: [expected]

    • NOK:

      • “The following work items are invalid because they don’t have one of the expected values ( [expected] ):”

      • list of all invalid work items.


  • throw an error if any of the issues DOES have one of the given values

  • Report:

    • OK: None of the work items have one of these illegal values: [illegal]

    • NOK:

      • “The following work items are invalid because they have one of the illegal values ( [illegal] ):”

      • list of all invalid work items.


  • throw an error if any of the issues DOES NOT have one of the given values AND if the due date field’s value, referenced by the property dueDateFieldName, is either in the past, or is not set.

  • Report:

    • OK: “All work items have one of these resolved values: [resolved]” (In this case they can also be overdue.)

    • NOK:

      • “Some work items are invalid because they don’t have one of the resolved values ( [resolved] )”

        • “The following work items are overdue:“

          • list invalid work items

        • The following work items don’t have a due date:”

          • list invalid work items

To learn more about the query field of the yaml file, please check: Fetcher Background information.

Default List#

The default fields list is:

  • Id

  • Url

  • State

  • Title

Those properties can be used without specifying them in the needed fields attribute.

Currently accepted tags#

In the current implementation, there are a few tags that can be used:

  • workItems

    • query - the WIQL query used by the fetcher

    • neededFields - the list of fields that will be added to workitems.json after the query

    • evaluate - the actual checks and additional information

  • workItems.evaluate

    • settings - elements that can be used inside any check

    • checks - the actual checks that are going to be done

  • workItems.children

    • get - if true, the children of the workitem will also be checked

    • evaluate - the actual checks and additional information

  • workItems.evaluate.settings

    • dueDateFieldName - ‘expiration’ date of the work item

    • closedStates - some checks are done only if the workitems are not closed. This is a list of values a workitem can take to be considered closed. If it is not specified, the default list will contain the value ‘Closed’.

  • workItems.evaluate.checks

    • dataExists - if true, checks if any workitem has been returned

    • cycleInDays - an integer representing the number of days until a workitem becomes ‘stale’ (for example, a review could be done once every 30 days)

    • fields - a list of fields to be checked

  • workItems.evaluate.checks.fields.<fieldTag>

    • fieldName - the name of the field. This must be one of the defined neededFields or one of the fields from the default fields list.

    • closedAfterDate - if specified, the check will only apply to workitems closed after this date

    • conditions - a list of conditions, a workitem with this field will be checked against.

Example Config#

You can find a complete example configuration in Getting started with Azure DevOps autopilot .