Manage environments

Manage environments#

Environments have their own subset of operations, as presented with yaku envs -h.

yaku envs -h

Usage: yaku environments|envs [options] [command]

Manage environments

  -h, --help                          display help for command

  update|set <envName> <key> <value>  Update an existing environment
  list|ls [options]                   List all available environments
  edit|e                              Edit environments config file in external text editor
  switch|sw [envName]                 Switch to a different environment
  create|c [options] <envName>        Create a new Yaku CLI environment
  delete|d [envName]                  Delete a Yaku CLI environment
  help [command]                      display help for command

With the command yaku envs list, the environments are presented in a table that can be navigated using arrows (, , , ) and Tab/Shift+Tab keys.

The user can also use PgUp and PgDown to circle through pages, as well as Home and End to jump directly to first and last page.

The selected environment is highlighted with and the other environments with .

yaku envs list
? Environments (Press <H> to toggle navigation help, <Enter> to save the changes and <Esc> to discard)

│   Name  URL                     Namespace  Access Token  Refresh Token  Expires At              │
│   env1  http://env1.url/api/v1  1          ********      ********       9/5/2024, 3:03:52 PM    │
│   env2  http://env2.url/api/v1  2          ********      ********       9/5/2024, 3:03:52 PM     │
│   env3  http://env3.url/api/v1  3          ********                                             │

Filtering the table elements is possible by pressing Shift+F (and provide the text to search for, followed by Enter). Once applied, the filter will be displayed at the beginning, as ? Environments(<filterText>) To cancel the filtering, remove all the text and apply using Enter.

Some columns ( Name, URL and Namespace) can be used for sorting the elements. To activate it, focus any row in the column of interest and use Shift+Up to sort ascending (indicated by ), or Shift+Down to sort descending (). Press the same combination again to cancel the sorting.

When focused, Name, URL and Namespace are highlighted with green color and can be modified in two ways:

  • override, by initiating with Delete.

  • append, by initiating with Insert.

During editing, Esc key will cancel the changes, while Enter will confirm them.

When focused, a non-current environment marked with can be set as current by pressing Space key.

Should the system detect changes in the values, it will warn the user with the following message:

You have unsaved changes changes. Press <Enter> and confirm to save them

Before closing, the table prompts for confirmation, as followings:

  • Press ENTER again to confirm (save changes)!, and with doing so the changes will be saved.

  • Press ESC again to exit (discard changes)!, and with doing so the changes will be discarded.

A more advanced alternative is yaku envs edit. With it, the JSON contents of underlying .yakurc is opened in an external text editor (system’s default).