Run Variables#


This article describes what run variables are, how you can use them in a qg-config.yaml file, and how they can be changed with every run.

Please note that run variables can currently only be used when triggering a run through the REST API endpoint POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespaceId}/runs.

First we take a look at the definition and use-case of run variables. Afterwards we show you how to declare placeholders in the config file and populate them with values when starting a new run.

Definition and use-case#

Usually, environment variables are used inside the qg-config.yaml file to provide parameters for autopilots. They are kind of static in a way that you have to change the config file for changing their values.

However sometimes, a few of these variables need to be changed with every run. Imagine a certain date tag, that should get inserted into the report. Or the Git hash of the latest source code to be scanned. Changing the config file for every run would not be a good solution.

For a better distinction from other uses of environment variables, we are calling them run variables.

run variables#

variables which are provided during the API call for starting a new workflow run. They are specified inside the JSON body of the HTTP request. They can be used inside the config file as variables, e.g. ${{ vars.VAR_NAME }}.

How to use run variables#

In the next two sections, we will look at how you can make use of run variables in your configuration. This requires two steps:

  1. Declare placeholders in the config

  2. Send run variables via HTTP request

Declare placeholders in the config#

In order to provide a placeholder in the config file, you have to use the following syntax:

Syntax of a placeholder#
${{ vars.VAR_NAME }}

where VAR_NAME is the name of your run variable, which will be used to replace the placeholder.

If you want to define a default value for the run variable, you can use the default.vars the following way:

Adding a default value for a placeholder#
  name: My config
  version: ${{ vars.VERSION }}
    VAR_NAME: "default value"

If you do not provide a value for the run variable in the default section and during the API call, the placeholder will be replaced by an empty string.

If you take a look at the following example, you will see that the placeholders can be used in almost all parts of the config file. The limitation is that you must not use them in a yaml key (which is the name left of a colon, e.g. key: value).

Parts of a qg-config.yaml file with run variable placeholders#
  name: My config
  version: ${{ vars.VERSION }}
    run: |
      if [ -z "${SOME_ENV}" ] || [ -z ${SOME_OTHER_ENV} ]; then
        echo '{"status": "FAILED"}'
        exit 1;
      calls-some-command-here ${SOME_ENV} ${SOME_OTHER_ENV} ${{ vars.SOME_VARIABLE }}
    title: Release version ${{ vars.VERSION }} must be deployed
    description: The release version ${{ vars.VERSION }} must be deployed to production.
        title: The api must return the version ${{ vars.VERSION }} when calling /api/version
            title: Retrieving the version from the api and comparing it with ${{ vars.VERSION }}
              autopilot: get-version-autopilot
                EXPECTED_VERSION: ${{ vars.VERSION }}

Send run variables via HTTP request#

For the next step, we assume that you have already uploaded your config file with the placeholders. For the POST request, you will also need the ID of the configuration.

Use your favorite HTTP client and send the run variables to the POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespaceId}/runs endpoint.

The request body must contain the run variables inside the environment object:

HTTP POST Request Body with extra run variables#
  "configId": 123,
  "environment": {
    "VERSION": "1.0.0",
    "SOME_GLOBAL_ENV_VAR": "some value",
    "SOME_AUTOPILOT_ENV_REPLACER": "some other value",
    "SOME_VARIABLE": "another value"