

What is a secret?#


A secret is usually a password or token which is required to access external systems. For example if you want to fetch documents from an Artifactory server, you need an access token.

Secrets should never be stored in plaintext in the config files, but provided as service secrets.

service secret#

Service secrets are being used to safely handle passwords and tokens that the autopilots require, without you having to write them as plain text into the config files. A service secret consists of three parts:

  1. The secret’s Name is used as variable name under which the secret is made available to autopilot scripts. See Using secrets.

  2. For the Description, there are no rules, you can enter something that seems useful to you. E.g. you could write which service it’s for, which fetcher/evaluator is using it etc. In case of a token you could state its expiration date or whatever else you think will be of interest for you.

  3. The Value contains the actual password or token that you want to add. Secret values are limited by size. The maximum size is configurable, default value for the maximum length is 8kb.
