Writing a simple fetcher app#

You can easily write a custom app for fetching data from some URL. A first example was already given on the overview page.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement a custom fetcher app and how to add this app to a configuration.


Before we can develop a new custom autopilot, we need a playground first so that we can test the app while it is still under development.

  1. Create a new configuration in your namespace.

  2. Delete the existing content and use the following code as content for the qg-config.yaml file:

      version: v1
      name: 'My demo'
      version: '0.1'
        run: |
          papsr my_fetcher.py
          echo '{"status": "YELLOW", "reason": "No evaluation configured yet!"}'
          echo '{"result": {"criterion": "crit", "justification": "just"}}'
        title: Dummy title
            title: Dummy title
            text: Dummy text
                title: Run papsr demo autopilot
                  autopilot: papsr-demo
  3. Now create a new empty file inside your config. Call it my_fetcher.py. Copy the following code into the empty file:

    import click
    from loguru import logger
    class CLI:
        click_help_text = "Fetch data from a URL"
        version = "0.1"
        click_name = "url-fetcher"
        def click_command():
            logger.info(f"Should do something useful!")
  4. Save and run the configuration.

  5. The workflow should run through in a few seconds. Open the run’s result page.

  6. The single check that was configured in our configuration should have a ‘yellow’ status, as we do not have any evaluation configured here. That’s fine for now!

  7. If you open the autopilot’s log panel, you should see the logger line with the text “Should do something useful!”.

Now you are ready to go!

Adding a command line argument#

You want your fetcher be configurable so that it can fetch data from different URLs. For this, we need a command line argument. PAPSR is using click for the command line interface setup, so we need to define the command line argument first.

This is done by adding a click_setup attribute to the CLI class with a list of click options or arguments.

  1. Open the file my_fetcher.py and modify the class’ code by adding a line with the click_setup attribute:

    # ...
    class CLI:
        click_help_text = "Fetch data from a URL"
        version = "0.1"
        click_name = "url-fetcher"
        click_setup = [click.argument("url", required=True)]
    # ...
  2. This new command line argument must also be added to the click_command function:

    # ...
        def click_command(url):
            logger.info(f"Should do something useful!")
    # ...
  3. You can now show the passed URL in your logging statement:

    # ...
        def click_command(url):
            logger.info(f"Fetching data from {url}.")
    # ...
  4. Now let’s try out your new app. Don’t forget to save the file and then run the config!

If you open the run log now, you will notice that a failure was reported, with a reason that there is a “Missing argument: URL”.

Of course! We have forgotten to add the URL we want to fetch in our autopilot script in the config file!

Adapting the autopilot script#

  1. Open the qg-config.yaml file in the editor again.

  2. Modify the line in which our new fetcher is called and add a URL:

    # ...
        run: |
          papsr my_fetcher.py https://www.github.com
          echo '{"status": "FAILED", "reason": "No evaluation configured yet!"}'
    # ...
  3. Run the config again. The log output should now contain the text:

    INFO | Fetching data from https://www.github.com

Adapting log messages#

We don’t want to read this log message about fetching data from that URL every time. We have the URL in the config already, so there is no need to print it in the normal output.

Let’s change the log level of this message so that it is not printed by default:

  1. Open the my_fetcher.py file in the editor.

  2. Change the logger.info(...) command to logger.debug(...).

  3. Now run the config again and check if the log message is still printed?

  4. It is not!

  5. Open the qg-config.yaml file in the editor.

  6. Modify the line where you are calling the papsr fetcher app:

    # ...
        run: |
          papsr my_fetcher.py --debug https://www.github.com
    # ...
  7. Run the config again. The log message should be printed again!

  8. You can now decide if you want to see debug log messages by adding or removing the --debug flag to the call of your my_fetcher.py app!

Fetching data from the URL#

Now that we have set up the command line interface and the command function, we can implement the actual fetching part now.

We will be using the requests library for accessing the URL. As this is a third-party library, we need to check first, if this library is contained in the Builtin libraries. Luckily, it is!

Let’s implement the code:

  1. Open the my_fetcher.py file in the editor.

  2. Add the import of the requests library to the top of the file:

    import click
    import requests
    from loguru import logger
    # ...
  3. Now scroll down to the click_command function and add the line for getting data from the URL and printing it:

    # ...
        def click_command(url):
            logger.debug(f"Fetching data from {url}.")
    # ...
  4. Run the config again!

  5. If you open the logs now of your latest run, there should not only be the line with the log message about

    DEBUG | Fetching data…

    but also a lot of other HTML code which was retrieved from the GitHub website.


Congratulations! You’ve done it!

With just a few lines of Python code, you have implemented your first fetcher! Currently, this fetcher only prints out some data to the console, but of course you can also write the data to a file or process it first and then write some aggregated or condensed data to a file.

Go ahead and play with the code. You can for example verify the HTTP response code before you print out the HTML text. This can be done by accessing the status_code attribute of the response object:

Optional extension of the click_command method.#
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
  print(f"Something happened: got status code {response.status_code}")