Evaluator Background Information

Evaluator Background Information#

An evaluator that checks if a given manual answer has passed it’s expiration time. The mdate (modification date) of the answer’s file is used as a reference.

Environment variables#


The path to the manual answer file.


The time in which your answer expires since last modification date.

Allowed inputs: <number> <unit> <number> <unit> ...

Allowed units:


(Optional) The last modified date will change if a file is e.g. downloaded, moved or copied. This environment variable will override the last modified date The provided date should conform to ISO-8601


(Optional) How many days before expiration, should the manual answer be marked as YELLOW status.

Allowed inputs: <number> <unit> <number> <unit> ...

Allowed units:

Default is 14d

Example config#

Below is an example configuration file that runs manual-answer evaluator for a file called example-answer.md. The autopilot is configured in lines: 7-14. Then the autopilot is used by the check 1 in line 29 which is part of requirement 1.15.

 2  version: v1
 4  name: MACMA
 5  version: 1.16.0
 7  manual-answer-autopilot:
 8    run: |
 9      manual-answer-evaluator
10    env:
11      expiration_time: 14d
12      expiry_reminder_period: 3d
13      last_modified_date_override: "2023-02-20T15:20:09Z"
14      manual_answer_file: ./example-answer.md
16  run: |
17    html-finalizer
19  "1":
20    title: Project management
21    requirements:
22      "1.15":
23        title: Product Owner review done.
24        text: Approved.
25        checks:
26          "1":
27            title: Manual answer check
28            automation:
29              autopilot: manual-answer-autopilot